Sunday, May 23, 2010

10 Things Only Men Can Do

No.1 - Age well

No.2 - F*** things

No.3 - Pee standing up

No.4 - Fertilize eggs

No.5 - Play real sports
Be honest; which of these would you prefer to watch: WNBA or NBA? NHL or women’s hockey? NFL or women’s rugby? MLB or softball?

`No.6 - Shave our heads
From Michael Jordan to David Beckham to Samuel L. Jackson guys wear bald better. Still need more proof? Just look at bald Britney.

No.7 - Navigate spatially
This explains why more men are math geniuses than women.

No.8 - Manscape
The playoff beard, the love canal, the Fu Manchu, and the goatee are strictly male innovations, and growing them are things only men can do.

No.9 - Hold our liquor
Men produce more of the protective enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol.

No.10 - Go topless


  1. The blad head thing isnt very nice considering some women have cancer and cant help it

  2. And the genius thing is stupid. There are more known male geniuses because women were discriminated against for the longest time. If males and females all got the same education all the time, they might be more equal on the genius part.

  3. That is so sexist! We can so pee standing up if we try! And there wouldn't be men if WE didn't make them! And we can play any sport we want! This year we had a 7th grade GIRL play on the football team and she was great! So all you sexist pigs out there can SUCK IT!

  4. its funny cause I read the 20 things only women can do and not one guy got offended. but when men say they are better at something all the women get mad.

  5. definitely agree with Erik! :)

  6. xD Imma girl, and I find it soooo amusing, these are actually fun

  7. hey what do u tell a women with 2 black eyes... nothing you already told her twice

  8. Haha, I like the first comment. Considering that men can have cancer too.

  9. all of these are false except for the 'fertilize eggs' one

  10. haha, im typing on the freakin screen!!!!

  11. i like the go topless one lol

