Sunday, May 23, 2010

Top 10 Weirdest Phobias

10. Phobophobia
Fear of fear or fear of developing a phobia

How common is it? Don’t worry about it and you’ll be controlling the count…

9. Nephophobia
Fear of clouds

How common is it?  Not very, but a strong concern among those on solar-powered life support…

8. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Fear of long words

How common is it? Well, the White House is concerned, though we’re not sure whether that reflects a national crisis or a personal interest…

7. Cacophobia
Fear of ugliness

How common is it? Our informal research suggests it’s especially isolated around bars, sororities and the state of California…

6. Linonophobia
Fear of string

How common is it? Basically non-existent -- among cats, anyway…

5. Epistemophobia
Fear of knowledge

How common is it? We’re afraid we don’t know -- or is it that we’re happy we don’t know?

4. Vestiophobia
Fear of clothing

How common is it? Ever been to a European beach?

3. Arachibutyrophobia
Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

How common is it? Are you kidding? One case is too common…

2. Papaphobia
Fear of the Pope

How common is it? Exceptionally prevalent in Guam -- don’t ask us why…

1. Panophobia
Fear of everything

How common is it? Tough to tell. Panophobes fear the question, fear answering the question, fear being chased by strangers for an answer -- it’s a no-win situation…

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